Subject: Newsletter Páscoa Hotel Quinta do Lago

Newsletter Páscoa Hotel Quinta do Lago

March 20th, 2015 at 11:42 am WEST

Estimados hóspedes e amigos, A primavera está a chegar ao Hotel Quinta do Lago e com ela as andorinhas, que já preenchem o céu com o seu alegre chilrear, os grilos que nos presenteiam com o seu agradável canto, o campo já salpicado de cor com a ...

Hotel Quinta do Lago Easter Newsletter

March 19th, 2015 at 2:54 pm WEST

Dear Guests and Friends, Spring has almost arrived at Hotel Quinta do Lago: the swallows are already filling the skies with their joyful chirping and the wild flowers are in bloom, crickets present us with their pleasant evening singing and the golde ...