Subject: What motivates you... heart or ego? 🌈

Hi beautiful,

What motivates you... your heart or your ego?

Can you recognise the soft, almost silent whispers of your heart?

When was the last time you heart to lead the way?

First, you'll probably denounce your heart.

Your ego swoops in loudly with the visions of power, of control, of fear dressed up as stubborn strength..
"Your heart has it all wrong."
"You can't have it so easy, it'll never be easy."
"Life is hard. There's so much to worry about, so much to fear."

Then, your heart whispers...
"...and yet you still feel empty and unfulfilled.'

"I can't let go of everything i have built thus far."
"I can't stop now. I won't change my mind. I decided this way, I'm doing it this way."
"This is the way I know. This is the way i said i would go."

The ego burns a fire so intense to mimic the heat and passion
of the heart.

Your heart, your most loyal servant, has slowly, steadily and tirelessly been gathering more and more water.

The ego fights dramatically with its flames, but your heart's water is too vast, too energetic, too encompassing, too wild.

Your heart penetrates the ego by stirring waves
that carry the whispers which cannot but be heard.

In hearing the whispers so clearly,
your desires strengthen into storms,
the storms turn everything into chaos,
the chaos is uncomfortable, the pain is deep...
the turmoil is exhausting...
Your heart whispers
"this how we grow"
"this is how heal, so we can begin again."

As you relax into the womb of the unknown,
the darkness before new life,
embraced by love,
trusting your heart.

in the darkest nights
the stars brilliance is brightest;
in the deepest waters
the micro phosphorescence is most luminescent.

A new dawn emerges,
your heart invites you to take the helm,
of a new dream boat,
how could she know,
the odyssey of your wildest dreams
she has placed in your hands,

All you had to do is listen,
welcome home,
welcome heart,

But how do you listen to your heart when you've be trained and become very skilled at listening to your head? 

Sit with you back straight and eyes closed.

Set the intention to connect with your heart.
If you are unable to sit on the floor with a straight back, use a chair. Be comfortable. If you prefer, life flat on your back. 

Begin with a steady, slow, deep inhalation. 

Hold the air for a moment, 
then open your mouth about an inch width and 
release the breath...
softly almost silently whispering AAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh
for about 4-10 seconds 
s-l-o-w l-o-n-g- e-x-h-a-l-a-t-i-o-n.

Then, close your mouth,
breathe in deeply again through only your nose,
and let the breathe out again,
relaxing your mouth to drop open,
softly almost silently whispering AAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh
for about 4-10 seconds
s-l-o-w l-o-n-g- e-x-h-a-l-a-t-i-o-n.

It's not about deeply exhaling so much that you create strain,
it's about softly releasing 
whispering AAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh
and breathing in slowing through your nose.

Do this 11 times. 

The purpose of this exercise is that as your relax into your self,
you feel safe. And because you feel safe, you can relax further, 
connecting more deeply with your innate essence; the soft and safe embrace of  your heart.

It's ok if this is unfamiliar territory. Be gentle and present with yourself.

I recommend integrating this exercise into your morning ritual.

If you can extend the time to 33 breaths, or 2 minutes, or stay with 11 breathes until it becomes as customary to you as brushing your teeth.

Doing this breath exercise, lets down your emotional shield, 
allowing yourself to saturate yourself in peaceful tone of safety,
and fearlessness, experiencing the soothing lovingness of your innate energy, 
connecting more deeply to your heart. 

The more you connect with yourself like this,
the more it will become easier to hear and to trust the whispers of your heart. 

Now, ask aloud
"How does my heart want to experience today?"
"What does my heart want to experience today?"

Be aware of the whispers. Keep learning to trust them. You can't get it wrong! 

Please respond and let me know what unfolds for you. 

Take care and talk soon!

To supporting you,


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