Subject: To release or not to release? That is the question. 🤗

Hi beautiful,

Did you catch some glimpses of the moon growing fuller and fuller over these past few nights. Spectacular, right?

I had the honour of being invited to a little fishing village in Sweden, where I had the absolute joy of taking a midnight moonlit full moon swim! 

Full moons bring the darkness to light. Sometimes this is uncomfortable, painful and downright frightening. The quickest way out of the feelings... is to let them go. BUT this can sooo difficult and even more painful than revisiting a painful situation/pattern/relationship. 

How can I just let go? 

Do I just forget about everything that ever happened? 

Am I just going to feel like I'm a doormat? Am I doormat if I let go? 

These are questions that can circle in our brain with this concept of "let go". 

So... let's look at letting go through a new optic... let's get a sense of willingness. 

A willingness to release the need for this negative situation/emotion in our lives. 

For every negative habit that you experience (and are most likely repeating), there is a need within you for it. 

This negative habit is a symptom of a belief that you have, most likely buried deep in your subconscious. 

These symptoms need to be treated with kindness and unwoven from our mind. 

How about beginning with...

I am willing to release the need to feel (this way about my partner)

I am willing to release the need to feel (to control this situation)

I am willing to release the need to feel (to feel broke)

I am willing to release the need to feel (to feel ugly)

I am willing to release the need to feel (rejected)

I am willing to release the need to feel (to worry about my finances)

I am willing to release the need to feel (to be in debt)

I am willing to release the need to feel (to be envious)

Begin here. 
Grab a pen and your journal, take action on the following right now:

#1 What has been annoying. frustrating, hurting you this weekend? 

#2 Are you willing to release the need for this pain in your life?

#3  Spend one week reciting and repeating your "I am willing to release..." 

Report back and let me know what has shifted!
Remember if you ever feel you need extra support through a transition or challenge...You can book your session here.

To supporting you,

P.S For all the professionals with busy work weeks... I work Saturdays. :) Book your session here. :)

Alchemise subconscious limitations to your health and happiness with a session with Heidi.  
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