Subject: This 🤩 changed my life

Hi Friend,

Do you have a book that changed your life? 

Back in 2011, I was feeling pretty down and out physically and emotionally with no medical answers in sight.

Out of the blue came a much needed book - "You can heal your life" by Louise Hay.

Who would have thought that something as simple yet radical as healing could be an option?

Although hesitant at first about following this "healing" path that was so different from what doctors told me, I decided to give it a try...and guess what? It worked!

Little did I know this life-changing resource had all the potential to help me turn my fate around.

This book taught me that I have the power to:

  • change aspects of my life

  • empower myself

  • heal my body through healing my emotions

  • create my life on my terms through my thoughts

Here are her 7 Power Points that Louise Hay repeats throughout the book:

  1. We are each responsible for our experiences.

  2. Every thought we think is creating our future.

  3. Everyone is dealing with the damaging patterns of resentment, criticism, guilt and self-hated. 

  4. These are only thoughts and thoughts can be changed. 

  5. We need to release the past and forgive everyone, including ourselves.

  6. Self approval and self acceptance in the “now” are the keys to positive change 

  7. The point of power is always in the present moment.

It is undoubtedly overwhelming to apply all of these steps in the present moment.

But shifting our perspective and knowing that it is always possible to make a change can help us access our personal power. 

Releasing resentment and learning how to forgive ourselves and others allows us to cultivate self-approval and acceptance, which are an essential part of unlocking our potential. 

Ask yourself: What thought has been holding you back the most? 

While the key to a living a happy, healthy, successful life may require a lot of diligent healing work, believing in ourselves and using our personal power can become our superpowers.

So take one step at a time, give yourself credit for small successes, pick yourself up each time you fall – because every thought you think is paving your future - and you absolutely deserve the very BEST of life!

You’ve got this Friend!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,


yoga + emotion potions

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