Subject: Shadows in the sunlight 😎

Hi beautiful,

I have to be honest, I resisted writing this note to you today. Let me explain why. Even though I joyfully pondered what I  would share to serve you best, as I hiked a 900m ascent this morning. I enthusiastically told my friend how much I loved writing my newsletters and how excited I was to write today... when I arrived home at 4pm... I took and created every distraction and delay possible.
I figured out four years ago what my core personal values are, and that in order for me to feel happy & fulfilled, I needed to live in strict alignment with these values. I am pleased to report that I do live in alignment with my values today, and its mastery is a constant. Additionally, what I have learned to understand in the past few years is that we also have shadow values. I was reminded today that I value suffering.
I know, how awful (and yet how natural) to have a predisposition to make things more difficult. BUT at least I know it and no longer deny it's pattern in my life. I have worked through many of psychological roots and hooks of suffering, released them, healed them BUT today I saw it again, suffering (has been) deeply valued in my psyche. 

On the hike this morning, the path was steep and the terrain was both challenging and varied. We moved through steep stone paths, to icey snow-covered, steep trails, to traversing boulders with cascading water, to plotting long distances through deep snow. Many times over the path-at-foot disappeared. More times over the terrain completely changed.
Where to next?
Which path is the path? 
Which direction do we need to be going? 
(Check out my stories on instagram today to get a fuller picture)

On more than one occasion, I had lead us to the steeper, more obscure, more difficult, definitely questionable path, from which, twice, we had to turn back. 
Why do I need to make it so difficult?
Why can't I let it be easy? 
There, I saw my subconscious destructive shadow pattern emerging its darkness, leading me to suffering. 

Same shadow was evident again this evening... the classic, procrastination, leading me to suffering. 

Can you think of a destructive tendency that perhaps you subconsciously value? 

It relates back to what we spoke about two weeks ago, about the need for the problem in your life. There's a pattern within you that is feeding the problem, that where the destruction is subconsciously valued.

Let's bring some awareness to your own shadow value. No need to be fearful, denial is the most destructive darkness. Once we recognise the shadow, we can do what's required to bring compassion and resolution to the situation, then we can release the root and reform a new pattern. 

Take a moment to reflect on today, could a shadow value have lead you to a particular experience? An experience that perhaps you keep repeating or that keeps manifesting in different ways (causing more harm than good in your life)?

If you'd like to have a skilled listener and intuitive pattern identify-er help you release the subconscious shadow value to reform your behaviour (to align with your the values that manifest your happiness, worthiness and freedom) book a session with me. I'd love to facilitate your connection and mastery to your own natural alchemy. 

To supporting you,

Alchemise subconscious limitations to your health and happiness with a session with Heidi.  
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