Subject: Play ▶️ Pause ⏸️ Rewind ⏪ Repeat 🔁 Forward ⏩

Hi Friend,

Take a deep breath,

and slowly exhale.

We're all familiar with the media controls:

Play▶️ Pause⏸️ Rewind⏪ Repeat🔁 Forward⏩

Friend what if you had to press pause ⏸️ on your own thoughts right now...

Do it.  ⏸️ .

Let's extend the pause...

Take another slow breath in counting 1,2,3,4

and slowly exhale to the count of 1,2,3,4...

Allowing some S P A C E in the moment.

Now, still in ⏸️ mode:

Take a moment to consider where was your mind before you pressed ⏸️.?

Were your thoughts on

  • Rewind⏪ playing back memories, pains, conversations, worries, tasks, people of the PAST?

  • Repeat🔁 looping on repetitive memories, pains, conversations, worries, tasks, people of the PAST.

  • Forward⏩ running forward into worst case scenarios and potential PITFALLS
    or best case scenarios and dynamic POSSIBILITIES?

Pressing ⏸️ gives us a chance to get perspective and space on our thoughts.

It's from this space of awareness that we can begin to consciously choose to think new or different thoughts.

Thinking new, different thoughts, will produce a new or different result.

This is the foundation of conscious manifestation.

So, there's one more step Friend.

After this ⏸️ and, just before you hit ▶️

now you have the fertile environment

to plant new or different thoughts,

so there's any one more question left to ask!

  • What's the best feeling thought you can think?

  • What's that best feeling thought x 3?

  • What's that best feeling thought x 10??

Homework this week:

  1. Practice ⏸️.

  2. Assess Rewind⏪ Repeat🔁 Forward⏩

  3. Prepare ▶️

I can assure that the more you do this homework this week, you will be proudly amazed and delighted with the wonderful results you create in your own life.

If you're seeking some additional support with overcoming looping thoughts of

  • stress,

  • heartbreak,

  • anxiety or

  • stuckness

  • and you would like to feel held in a space to facilitate resolution and create new outcomes, then please consider booking a healing session.

In case you missed it last week or you would like to go deeper this week... AND in the spirit of conscious creating - check out this 10 minute quantum meditation! 
(there's no sign-up required, links you to audio)

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love; from the inside out

natural ~ adventurous ~ sustainable ~ spiritual

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