Subject: Negative emotions don't exist, right?😜

Hi Friend,

Take a deep breath,

and slowly exhale.

In a moment, I'm going to offer you a list of EMOTIONS to choose from - and the catch is - the list of emotions will be negative.

Imagine! Shock, horror! Admitting to a negative an emotion.

Off with her head!!

We only have to look to the gaming, movie/tv show/netflix, alcohol industries and workaholic brainwashing to see how we are influenced to fill our waking moments occupied, consumed, consuming, distracted, escaping... your emotions don't matter.

And there's the catch.

Emotions do matter.

In fact, emotions are matter.

Emotions are energy.

The suppressed energy of negative emotions accumulates and seeks expression through psychosomatic distress, bodily disorders and dysfunctions, disorders in emotional behaviour, physical tension and illness.

Did you know that when you feel a negative emotion - immediately your muscles lose 50% of strength?

So if our bodes don't want us to suppress the negative emotions - what do we do with them?

The key, while counter-intuitive in our culture is to

FEEL the emotion,

so you moves through you and by letting it move through you,

you can let it go.

It's the attachment to the emotion (and all the beliefs and stories we attache to that emotion) that is the cause of suffering.

Feeling the emotion

without attachment to the emotion

is letting go;

is the practice of surrender.

And, yes, it's a practice.

So it's ok to trip up, forget how to do it, try it all sorts of ways -

it's not something you need to add to your to-do list,

it's a practice - like brushing your teeth.

Brushing your teeth isn't a skill (once you know what to do),

it's a necessity that we do daily, even multiple times per day for health maintenance.

Feeling feelings without attachment can be seen as health maintenance too.

So now over to you, "How have you been feeling lately, Friend?"

  1. Here's a list to choose from - please choose one.

  2. Below the image is some indications for what the negative emotion might really be revealing about your needs:










Now, here's some what your emotions could REALLY be telling you:


Shows you where you need to heal, where you’re still holding judgements on others and yourself;

  • what do you need to love and honour in yourself?

  • how will you love and honour yourself?


Shows you where you’re living in the past and not allowing the present to be as it is;

  • what do you need to forgive yourself for?

  • are you willing to forgive yourself?


Shows that you need to pay attention right now to what is happening, you’re being given the opportunity to change, to do something different than you typically do it;

  • when do you feel the discomfort (situation, environment, with people, thinking about something in particular)?

  • what is the change you need to make (boundaries, different habit)?

  • what does being compassionate with yourself look like?


Shows you what you’re passionate about, where your boundaries are, how your boundaries are violated and what you believe needs to change about the world;

  • how can you constructively use the fire from your anger for passion projects?

  • are there certain foods you are eating that are causing too much heat and inflammation in your body?

  • do you have a physical outlet to release the anger?


Shows you that you tried for something, that you did not give in to apathy and that you still care and can indicate where you are people pleasing rather doing what's right and best and important for you.

  • are you communicating your needs over pleasing everyone for the sake of pleasing them?

  • where is your self worth coming from - pursuing what you value and what's important to you or from pleasing others?

  • what do you still care about?

  • are you willing to try again with fresh perspective and tenacity?


Shows you that you are still living life in other people’s expectations of what you should do and keeps you stuck in fear and loathing which can cause stagnation, could also indicate that you are holding emotions for others that are not your own;

  • are you willing to love and accept yourself exactly where and how you are?

  • are you willing to live your life from the present moment?

  • are you willing to forgive yourself for your past?

  • are you willing to let others to live their lives independent (unconditional) of you?


Shows you that you might be internalising other people’s beliefs about who you should be (or who you are) and judging yourself and others according to a set of beliefs

  • how can you reconnect with yourself?

  • what do you value and do you live by values?

  • can you love and accept yourself exactly as you are?

  • can you love and accept yourself to do and be you?


Shows you’re stuck in the past or living in fear of the future;

  • are you willing to find a practice to anchor you in the present moment?

  • are you willing to build your self esteem?

  • are you willing to love and accept yourself to do and be you?


Shows you the depth of your feeling, the depth of your care for other and this world;

  • are you willing to let this move through you?

  • how do you express sadness - how can you release it or allow it move though you?

  • are you willing to feel the sadness to you can let it go?

Ok I've given you quite a bit to chew on Friend.

If you'd like to respond to this email and let me know if a certain emotion or question resonates with you, I would love to hear from you.

Homework for this week is to allow your negative emotions to move through you by feeling them and maybe even understanding what they are really telling you!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love; from the inside out

natural ~ adventurous ~ sustainable ~ spiritual

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