Subject: How to charm 😁 your Comfort Zone 👿😈

Hi Friend,

Do you ever wonder why we shoot ourselves in the foot?

We say we want one thing, we know we want it, we know it feels right and all evidence is glaring a green light...

BUT instead, we default to choosing the oppositie and pushing it away.

We might even start to defend what is comfortable and push away what we want, even sabotage it - just to justify remaining in the cushy, cosy comfort zone.

Just me?

This is because...

My subconscious mind acts like my personal bouncer to my comfort zone.

In other words...

Your subconscious mind is your personal security bodyguard keeping you safe in the familiarity of your comfort zone.

Of course, this is an extremely beneficial function of the brain which is deterimental to our survival.

But the change that needs to be made isn't a physical life threat. The subconscious mind deals in evidence so reconditioning what's familiar is essential for growth. 

So if I want to move my life in a new direction, achieve new goals - all of which will be outside of my comfort zone (or else I would have them already)

Then, it's my subconscious mind that I'm going to have to charm, grapple and dance with until my subconscious mind feels safe and comfortable with the vision I'm moving towards.

Have no fear.

The bouncer can be charmed.

It is now time to step outside of that familiar zone.

It is now time to go after what we want - by taking new actions in new ways.

We've been making big changes since 2020.

You already got this new ball rolling (again) in August 2022

(Back in August 2022 was the virgo new moon - this is the 6 month culmination of those intentions).

Here is where an emotion potion could assist.

Emotion Potions activate your superpower of emotional-self-awareness -because nothing stands in your way when you can identify, accept and manage how you feel - so that you can manage how you ACT.

You don’t move towards your goals with “aha moments”.

You move towards with your goals by doing something different moment to moment.

The only way out of your comfort zone, towards a big goal or dream is to keep validating your progress.

This will train your subconscious mind to adjust your comfort zone.

Micro shifts.

Cosmically speaking, March is a month with an opportunity to

#1 Renew your vision for your life

#2 Reconcile your thoughts, emotions and behaviours in a positive direction towards your vision

Renewal is uniquely formulated to support us with the cosmic currents of this month.

-> RENEWAL in your trust in yourself and your decisions

-> RENEWAL in your self confidence (that the life you want is up for grabs and YOU can pursue it)

-> RENEWAL in accepting your own flaws and imperfections AND accepting the flaws and imperfections of those who you love

-> RENEWAL in the release the guilt, blame and shame from the past that's still got some emotional residue in your patterns/behavious you put on yourself

-> RENEWAL in a feeling a sense of groundedness and practical action in moving towards new behaviours

-> RENEWAL of pride in your authentic self

The unique RENEWAL formulation includes:

Crab Apple flower essence is medicine is all about accepting yourself as your are and embracing all perceived flaws and imperfections.

Pine flower essence encourages to release the guilt and blame you put on yourself

Cerato flower essence to assist you to trust in your decisions.

Remember, you get first dibs!!

*Cherry on top20% OFF EVERY PRE-ORDER (for 2 more hours)

👉 First come, first served. 

Magi vibes,


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