Subject: Does failure exist Friend? 💫


awake audacious abundant

hi Friend

How's your heart? your stomach? your feet?

It's ok to take a few deep breaths to check in with yourself.

Coding and sewing are very similar.

Sewing, like coding, has taught me that every single element,
be it the smallest stitch or one single comma, effects the whole.

One stitch, one element - is as important as the entire pattern.

One stitch, one element continuously contributes to the entire outcome.

In sewing and coding, when I’ve made an error,
I can keep kidding myself that I can continue and that the error won’t matter.

Until there comes a point. No matter how far I continue,
the error needs to rectified or I need to start again.

I have to go back.
I have to rip out the stitches.
I have to delete the snippet of code, maybe the entire page.

And that’s ok.
It’s ok to start again.
It’s ok to say I can do better.
It’s ok to delete.
It’s ok to begin.

We seem to have arrived in a society that asks you to be failure intolerant
and depends on you being risk adverse.

Follow the rules so we can all keep pretending
that failure doesn’t exist.

Well mistakes exist.
Mistakes are not the villain.
Failure is not the bad guy.

Mistakes are detrimental for evolution.

If you haven’t had to rip up what you’ve sewn,
repaint the canvas,
walk away from something,
end something,

clear out something,
start something again,
start the project again,
Fall flat on your face,
Then you’re not living;
you’re not evolving.

Have you ever used a stop watch when your training or

have you ever used a timer when cooking?

You always start the timer at 0:00.

And we need you to start again.
We need you to evolve.

We need you to let mistakes be ok.

Because you directly contribute to the whole.

 You can't get it wrong - it's called learning.

Very soon I'm bringing SUPERBLOOM online so keep an eye out in the coming weeks, but for now, I invite you to - dip into a relaxing sound bath to raise your vibe while doing less!!

There’s only one question left to ask:

What’s the BEST that can happen?

Sending love,



live love, love life:

a holistic approach to self, health and business

for the awake & audacious.


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