Subject: Another pot of tea Friend?

Hi Friend,

How was this week and the first new moon of the year for you?

Wrapped up in blankets with bottomless teapots, I've been reflecting on the rhythm of seasons and how our bodies respond to the world around us. 🌧️☕

If January feels like a rocky start, fear not. It's a chance to identify patterns, pitfalls, passions, and purpose. All the things you want - can happen, but cannot happen overnight and you're not behind. You're right on time!

Reflecting allows us to find closure, extract lessons, and envision a different path forward.

The Celtic new year kicks off on February 1st with Imbolc, while some associate it with the Solstice in March. Therefore, the period between now and then can be seen as the pre-game.

Claritfy. Clear. Nourish. Rest. Practice. Progress. These are the January vibes.

So, let's dive a bit depper.

If we were nestled here beside Rex on my couch, sipping on that second teapot, I'd ask about your journey from Jan to May 2020 and the lead-up from September 2019. Why? Because, astrologically speaking, the themes from this time are resurfacing - asking us

  • What were your original goals and objectives?

  • Considering everything that has transpired since Jan-April 2020, what insights do you now have for improving or redoing your approach?

  • How can we realign with that vision and integrate the valuable lessons learned since then?

Circumstances need not be perfect, stars not perfectly aligned, nor mistakes erased. Crystal clarity and embracing change with courage, step by step, are your keys to unlocking a life that's truly yours.

And speaking of transformation, I've got something special for you. 🌟

The real treasure lies in practical, compoundable habits, thoughts, and feelings that root you on a resilient, radiant path. Life is meant to be a F*ck YES Life, lived and loved. And guess what? You're the one steering that ship. And I would love to help you get out of your old ways and get on path with purpose, confidence and clarity.

Introducing: Self Alchemy Coaching Session
a balancing blend of emotion potions, yoga, and coaching to empower you to shed excuses, embrace change, and rule your life from within.

Self Alchemy could be for you if you want to:

  • Navigate change with courage

  • Take bold steps with confidence and clarity

  • Feel grounded and at peace in your body with a regulated nervous system - even through the most challenging times,

  • Realign with your F*ck YES Life.

But only if you alsi want:

Stay on track with clarity and purpose.

Embrace opportunities with resilience and radiance.

Unleash the innate power within you to rise up to what you want!

Ready for your F*ck YES Life?

Reply YES to this email and I'll send you the details!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you clarity and alchemy,


yoga + emotion potions

P.S. Today is day 87 of cold water dips, if you want to join my journey, I post my dip every day in my stories as a form of accountability and in order to "dry off" and acclimatise to the cold, after the freezing water.

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