Subject: You’re sitting on a 6 figure business

Hi Friend

The simplest and most effective way to scale your business to the magical 6-figure mark.... is to keep your clients for longer.

Unsexy. Yes.

But still true.

Run the numbers.

Better yet, I’ll do it for you.

Let’s say you charge £250 a month for your coaching, and a client typically stays with you for 4 months.

That means each client has a lifetime value of £1000.

To scale your business to 6 figures you need to sign 100 clients a year.

This means you need systems in place to create leads. Spend time on sales and marketing. As well as effectively coach 100 clients... to achieve the best possible results to make them a walking billboard for your services.

Easy right?

Keep hold of that same client for 12 months and watch what happens.

You increase the lifetime value to £3000 per client.

To hit 6 figures you now need to sign 34 clients a year.

I know which model I prefer.

The problem is. Most fitness business owners lack the knowledge and systems to keep clients for 12 months.

When you invest in our recipe ebooks and educational guides... you get everything needed to build a retention suite. To keep your clients engaged and on track, you can keep them for 12 months or more.

Click below now to see the products available to you today.

Recipe ebooks

Client change

Monthly retention suite.

Best wishes,


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