Subject: Scream for ice cream

Hi Friend

The city of Evanston, Illinois was so strict, in 1890, they made it illegal to sell soda on a Sunday. Meaning Garwoods - the drugstore could no longer sell their increasingly popular Ice Cream Sodas.

Unperturbed by the passing of this new law…Garwoods started selling ice cream with unmixed soda syrup on top of ice cream.

This proved to be a huge hit with the locals.

There and then, ‘Ice Cream Sunday’ was born.

Only selling this dish on a Sunday to start with, they quickly realised they were missing a huge opportunity…

So they renamed the dish the ‘Ice Cream Sundae’, helping them to sell the dish every day of the week.

It’s funny when people are faced with blocks stopping them from making money—find ways around them—and continue to make money. Even when faced with laws which in theory make it almost impossible to do so.

The old saying is true.

“Where there’s a will there’s a way”.

It also shows you the magic of having the right offer for your clients and customers.

Get that right, help people get the result they're looking for and people will come to you whether it’s on one dedicated day of the week or every day.

Over the years we’ve seen so many personal trainers and online coaches start and finish businesses almost overnight.

The simple reason for this is they didn’t get their offer right or package up their products in a way to show their potential clients how to get lasting or quicker results.

Food for thought when you’re thinking of ways to improve your offer, services or products.

Best wishes


Ps. Black Friday/Cyber Monday is around the corner, we’ll be sharing an offer for you that will add unlimited value to your packages and products. Keep your eyes on your inbox for more info.

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