Subject: It’s enough to make the lawn cry

Hi Friend 

The smell of freshly cut grass is like perfume to some people…

Unless you suffer from hay fever, then it might have you reaching for the Kleenex.

But a fun fact I just read. Especially if you’re interested in weird and random stories and facts like me…

The smell of the newly mown lawn is actually the blades of grass making a cry for help.

Not only that, it attracts insects that are beneficial to the grass. The pollinators etc.

In essence, when the grass needs help… it asks for it!

Simultaneously it warns more grass there is danger coming.

Compare that to human beings who are generally plodding along daily. Doing the same things that keep them stuck in the same place.

Stressed out…


Feeling down…

In need of help…

Yet do nothing to change the outcome.

What stops us from reaching out for the help we need?

I see it all the time with fitness business owners. They know they need help, they’re borderline desperate for someone to help them…

Yet when the opportunity arises they don’t ask for the help they need.

It fascinates me.

Best wishes,


Ps. If you need help with your business, speak to someone today. If they can’t help you directly they likely know someone who can.

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