Subject: It crept up on him (suddenly)

Hi Friend

Pernicious thoughts and beliefs are those that have harmful effects in gradual, subtle ways.

Sometimes it takes years before you see their devastating effects.

Telling yourself, you’ll do something important…

And never getting around to it is a bit like that.

I remember one of my clients turning 50, and what he said still impacts me today.

"I wish I'd met you in my thirties. I wouldn't be in the state I'm in now." He said.

The guy was in poor health.

It took hitting the big 5.0 to cause that big moment of realisation.

Together, we completely turned his health and fitness around.

Here's the truth - We all deceive ourselves.

We tell ourselves stories about why we can't do things. Now isn't the right time, and we’ll get around to it.

We tell ourselves, "one day," or "I'll start soon".

This experience inspired me to think about my future;

What I do and don't want?

I'm turning 40 this year (how did that happen?)

I'm asking myself...

What don't I want to experience in the next ten years...

And what will I have to change to avoid it?

What do I want to experience in the next ten years...

And what will I have to change to make it happen?

These are compelling questions to ask (yourself and your clients).

The answers may get you thinking about things—you feel—you want to change.

How can you impact the clients you work with...

How can you help them improve their lives and the results they achieve through your coaching and mentoring?

Writing this helps me think about that, too.

Best Wishes,


Ps. Next time, I’ll tell you what happened when my 7-year-old daughter and I were in the loft...

And how she helped me see things from a completely different perspective.

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