Subject: Good news.

Hi Friend,

Right now, Fitness Professionals all over the world are having to change the way they deliver services to clients. 

For now, and most likely for the next few months, online coaching is going to be the only way to deliver their services during this Covid-19 outbreak.

One thing that hasn’t changed is the fact that exercise and good nutrition are vital for both physical and mental health.

The whole idea of online coaching is to enable people to access your expertise without you having to be there in person. This is a win for both the client and coach because it keeps the cost down for the client and enables to the coach to work from anywhere that has an internet connection.

Clients will still be exercising and eating. Let’s help them do it as best we can.

What are the requirements of an Online Health & Fitness Coach during the COVID-19 outbreak?

We must be able to:
  • Design effective home workouts that require minimal equipment.
  • Advise clients on where to obtain exercise equipment to use in their own homes.
  • Use technology such as video calling, online check-in forms, email, telephone and messaging apps to communicate with clients.
  • Continue to educate clients about nutrition and provide nutritious recipes to help keep them healthy.
  • Keep clients accountable and motivated to pursue their health and fitness goals during very challenging times.

If you have already purchased any of our recipe ebooks / videos, home workout guides or mindset education materials, now is an ideal time to implement them in your business.

If you are new to online training and are thinking about providing clients with training and nutrition support, we have a variety of products which can help you hit the ground running, and inspire your clients over the coming months. Just hit reply to request our brochure.

Also, we are planning some new launches over the coming weeks, please stay tuned for more info. And if you have any product ideas you’d like us to consider, then we are always open to ideas.

Best wishes 


Fitpro Recipes, Brunel Close, DY13 8AW, Stourport on Severn, United Kingdom
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