Subject: Flirting in the workplace

Hi Friend 

It’s been confirmed by scientists…

So it’s true.

Men regularly mistake a woman's friendly behaviour for flirting (I don’t think I needed to hear a scientist confirm this if I’m honest, I knew all along lol).

Which is funny. It kind of reminds me of when I thought every single enquiry was a hot lead.

They rarely were.

It doesn’t mean those leads never turned to work.

It meant they were not quite at the buying stage just yet. This could be for many different reasons.

When leads reached out for a quick quote, a quick chat or to ask for our pricing…

It’s down to us to filter through to see where they fit in our pipeline. To see what stage of the buying journey they’re at.

If they’re at the start that’s when they should start working through a nurturing sequence.

These are the types of leads that should receive more information from you—such as emails, or be placed inside a Facebook group. They may turn into hot leads but they need some warming up and showing how you’re the best coach for them.

And if they don’t…

That’s fine, too.

You can’t win every piece of business you encounter.

Some people aren’t your customers.

Best wishes,


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