Subject: Cut price recipe ebooks

Hi Friend

It’s almost the New Year.

Every coach on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok and X are screaming about how to lose weight and get in shape. Make this year your year…

And loads of other boring sound bites.

If you want to win more business this year than you’ve ever done before…

Make this the year you do things differently.

Make this the year you commit to making your programs and coaching better than ever.

Make this year the year you make it easier for your clients to succeed.

How? I don’t hear you ask.

Make it so simple and easy for your clients to follow your plan, it’s almost impossible for them to fail.

How? Again, I don’t hear you ask.

To succeed or fail, your clients need resources.

The right training resources and the right nutrition resources so all they need to do is effectively tick off boxes daily.

With the relaunching of the Fitpro Recipes website, and streamlining of products…

I’ve made that much easier for you.

Because you can now get hold of a 100-recipe ebook for as low as £99 when you order the ‘lite’ pack.

Order the plus recipe pack and you get a boatload more included with your investment.

Take a look at the new pricing and place your order here.

Best wishes,


Ps. If you want to compare the two models before placing your order, click here now

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