Subject: This betwixedmas try unleashing...

This secret weapon to help your clients

Hi Friend

It’s cold, windy, and probably raining again. It’s no wonder your clients are seriously lacking in motivation to train and get in shape this time of year.

Even with the upcoming renewed optimism of New Year/New Me.

Getting their daily steps in for your clients (or even you) is a chore. Hell for some of your clients, getting out of bed in time to get to work on time might even be a stretch.

It’s coming up to the time of year when some of your clients will need an extra push to help them.

Some clients might need you to become a drill sergeant. In comparison, others might need the arm-around-the-shoulder approach.

Either way, providing your clients with the tools they need to get them from A to B is a great way to build loyalty within them. Get them to stick around after the New Year's resolution optimism has dropped off…

And get them to stick to the plan long enough for it to see results.

That’s the job at this time of year.

As soon as the festive fun disappears, your current and potential clients wander around aimlessly thinking of things to do. That’s when most of them grab the tin of Christmas chocolates saying to themselves:

“Just one won’t hurt”.

They’ll resort to the self-sabotaging behaviours that got them into the state they’re in now.

The Winter Motivation toolkit will be our biggest ally going from the festive season into the New Year.

The winter motivation kit comes packed with recipes to keep your clients on track…

Plus a secret weapon.

Further increasing your clients sticking to the plan. And getting the results they came to you for in the first place.

Take a look at the toolkit and place your order here.

Best wishes,


Ps. Betwixedmas is that weird time between Christmas and the New Year. When nobody knows what day it is 😆

Pps. If you have questions, hit reply. I’ll get back to you ASAP.

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