Subject: Be a better coach Friend

Ignore the surface level soundbites

Hi Friend

Post more content.

Post what’s relevant to your target market.

Build a website.

Start a podcast.

Build a youtube.

These are all good ideas to build your following and sign new clients.

But despite what the mentors and gurus shout and scream about—when it comes to content and lead generation…

Very few of them share the simplest ways to grow your fitness business.

Want to know what that is?

Be a bloody good coach.

Does this mean you must take another coaching qualification?

No. Absolutely not.

It means digging into the parts of your personality that inspired you to start your fitness business in the first place.

And at the risk of sounding like your favourite Gurus soundbites —

In most cases, it means helping people more.

Sounds easy. Right?

When you apply yourself, it truly is. Focus on the people you can help first.

Current clients or potential clients and leads that are on the fence.

Speak to them and find out what they’re struggling with the most.

My educated guess is it’ll have something to do with their nutrition.

They can’t decide which foods they can enjoy with the family while they’re reducing calories.

They don’t know what foods they’re allowed to eat.

They struggle with overindulging even when they eat the right foods.

Help them solve these problems, and they’re going to talk to their friends, family and colleagues about how you’ve helped them drop the weight and transform their bodies into something they never thought possible.

“How on earth are you going to help them do that?” I don’t hear you ask.

Well, it just so happens that we have a whole suite of recipe ebooks and educational guides you can invest in—without breaking the bank.

Our new look pricing structure for recipe ebooks and educational guides means when you invest today you'll help your clients stay focused on their long-term success…

Without you having to retrain or take more coaching qualifications.

Take a look at the different recipe books and educational guides, then place your order.

Click one of the links to get started.

Recipe ebooks.

Educational guides.

Best wishes,


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