Subject: Making a Difference in Today's Culture

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Dear Families,

As we look at the world around us, it can be easy to fall into despair. In many ways, our world can appear to be out of control. Violence is increasing, political tensions are high, and COVID-19 has changed life as we knew it. But God is still on His throne and at work in each of us and all around us. As believers in Jesus Christ, are there things that God expects us to do to influence our culture?

This Message of the Month is from the Legacy of Faith: Keith Daniel series. In this month’s 40-minute message, along with the story of how God led Him to quote the many Scriptures that have characterized his messages, Keith shares two things that will make an eternal difference: the Word of God and prayer.
At the end of this powerful video, there is a 5-minute clip from a compelling message that Keith gave many years ago. This sobering challenge and admonition in this older message clip is just as applicable as it ever was. 

In this intensely personal and timeless sermon, he declares, “Don't wait for the politicians to become righteous; it is the church. I don't blame the politicians; I blame the church for what state your country is in. You should be on your knees and you should be in war and you could undo anything the devil has done. But you are listening more to the television news than you are on your knees. You are sitting there watching in hopelessness and unbelief and criticizing the government and it's our fault. It's “my people” God's waiting for... your history is in your hands Christians, and this Bible tells me that.”

We hope you are encouraged to join us as, together, we seek the Lord for your family, your church, and our nation. May God be gracious to us as we truly seek him to pour out His Spirit on our land!

In Christ,

The Family Conferences Team
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