Subject: Lessons on God's Faithfulness

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Dear Families,

As we look at the upheaval and unrest around us, it is easy to lose sight of God’s hand in our lives. People often wonder where God is when life becomes unsettled.

In this Message of the Month, Dr. Larry Guthrie and his wife, Lois, share some of the lessons they have learned about God’s faithfulness in trials—through starting a new ministry, open heart surgery, and a difficult cancer walk.
Lois states, “It’s been God’s hand in an extraordinary way of caring for [us]. … [This] has taught me very deeply what a wonderful God I have. … Not once has He been faithless to me—I have been faithless to Him, time after time, after time. There are little details along the way of where He has shown His faithfulness in a way that could never be put towards a coincidence.”

We are looking forward to gathering in Big Sandy, Texas (July 27–31), and the Northwoods of Michigan (August 31–September 5) for wonderful times of fellowship and encouragement! Meals and lodging are available for both conferences, and families continue to register for these events. For more information on the speakers and programs at each conference, visit

We pray that this testimony from Larry and Lois Guthrie is an encouragement to you and your family as you follow the Lord.

In Christ,

The Family Conferences team

Find the complete Legacy of Faith: Larry Guthrie series on Embassy Media or the IBLP store!
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