Subject: A Special Preview . . .

Dear Families,

When we witness misbehavior in a child and confront him about his wrongdoing, what is that child’s typical response? Do children readily admit their faults and naturally seek to amend their misdeeds? Or do they try to excuse themselves in some way, playing the “blame game” by pointing a finger elsewhere?


Sadly, the blame game—that is, attributing to someone else one’s own responsibility—is not a game that only children play. Many adults have the habit of pointing at others as the primary reason for their personal problems. Other people can and do sometimes cause us harm, but is the persistence of problems entirely the fault of someone else, or does an important part of the problems persist because of poor personal choices?

In this special preview from the Affirming Biblical Foundations presentation, we learn the importance of taking an honest look at our conscience and the freedom that comes when we take personal responsibility for our actions. We trust you will find this presentation to be an insightful consideration and Biblical response to the age-old blame game.

Plan to attend the Affirming Biblical Foundations workshop here in Big Sandy on August 8–11. During the workshop, your children can participate in the regular programs like those available at the Family Conference in April. Invite some first-time families to come to the campus and attend this workshop in order to learn these life-changing principles.

In Christ,

The Family Conferences Team

Affirming Biblical Foundations

August 8–11, 2023

Early registration deadline: July 8