Subject: We're Heading to Canada!

Stops in Ontario and New Hampshire

Dear Families,

A couple of our annual highlights are the Family Conferences, where many families gather for encouragement and fellowship. Close behind these are our Family Connections, when we get to travel to you! We are excited to be able to host three Family Connections in Canada, plus a fourth one in New Hampshire, next month in June!

Just as Canadians are enjoying their beautiful spring and summer weather, a small team will be traveling around the Ontario area. They will share messages, both live and by video, on the theme “In Every Thing by Prayer” and facilitate opportunities for families to connect with other families in their area.  

Each Family Connection event will include a meal where families bring a dish to share, a message from God’s Word, a focused prayer time together, and, of course, opportunities to meet, visit, and fellowship with one another! Registration for these events is free but necessary for us to plan ahead.

We hope you can join us for one of these upcoming Ontario or New Hampshire Family Connections. We look forward to seeing you there!

In Christ,

The Family Conferences Team

Canada and New Hampshire Family Connections

Thunder Bay

June 19
Evening Connection


June 22
Evening Connection

Toronto (Ajax)

June 24
All-Day Connection

Dublin, NH

June 26
Evening Connection