Subject: A Mother's Reward

A special gift from IBLP for Mother's Day.
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Dear Mothers,

Happy Mother's Day!

Some think a mother has to be a perfect person in order to have a positive influence on eternity. However, no mother is perfect. Your commitment to nurture your children in knowing and loving the Lord Jesus Christ is an investment that only eternity will reveal. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord and to your children!

God has used the influence of countless mothers to set the tone and give direction to children who have grown up and made an indelible impact on history. One such woman was Susanna Wesley, mother to nineteen children. Despite difficulties and hardships, such as her home burning down twice and her husband often absent due to prison sentences or personal disputes, Susanna persevered. Through it all, she steadfastly directed the hearts of her children toward their Heavenly Father. Two of her sons, John and Charles, are well known today for their preaching and hymn writing. We invite you to hear more about this remarkable woman and mother here.

The unseen sacrifices a mother makes in doing many countless, dutiful tasks do not go unnoticed by God. As you consider the promise of rewards for your faithfulness in the unseen things, know also that you have the privilege of doing it for Christ: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" (Matthew 25:40).

May God bless and reward you as only He can!

In Christ,

David Waller
Administrative Director, ATI

P.S. Desiring encouragement in your spiritual life as well as your calling as a family? Many moms, dads, and children eagerly look forward to our annual Family Conferences! The early registration discount for the Sacramento Family Conference ends May 15 at midnight CST. Register early and receive a 15% discount on your entire registration! For more information, visit

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