Subject: Making Family Devotions Meaningful

May Message of the Month. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.
Dear Families,

Thank you for the outstanding response that we have received regarding the Message of the Month emails! We are grateful for the growing interest and people who are watching these messages. Thank you for forwarding them to your friends, fellow church members, and coworkers, to encourage them in their walk with the Lord.
Regarding this month’s message, have you ever wondered why the children of missionaries or preachers walk away from the Lord? Focusing on giving time and attention to ministry can lead to neglecting family, and serious consequences can result. This month’s message is from one who understands the danger of neglecting family and has intentionally set aside time to focus on his.

Veteran missionary Rick Warner and his wife, Donna, served in Mongolia for twenty years. Drawing from his own successes and failures, he shares the importance of having regular family Bible times. He also gives practical ideas on how to make devotions meaningful and memorable for your children and how to adapt for their varied learning styles. As you learn more about your children and build a deeper relationship with them, your love will spark an eagerness in them to learn from you and from our heavenly Father.

In Christ,

David Waller
Family Conference Coordinator
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