Subject: Re: making peace with food Webinar

Hey Friend,

Since the beginning of the year I've been doing quite a few free Health Strategy calls with people all over.  And would you like to know the one common denominator between 95% of those I have spoken with?

They're all in a struggle with food!

Unfortunately, until you identify what's eating at you, your weight loss program or healthy lifestyle change doesn't have a fighting chance to be successful.

Is this also a problem for you?

Are you also trapped in the vicious cycle of emotional eating, weight gain, dieting, and not seeing success?

If you are, then this webinar is perfect for you because I'll be sharing how my clients have been able to free themselves from food demons, kick their cravings to the curb, and finally get the body and health they deserve.

Here are some other things I'll cover:
•The biological reasons why diets fail and what to do instead.

•How to prevent and recover from the many health issues that plague busy, over-stressed high-achievers, naturally.

•Why trying to solve your eating problems by focusing on food will leave you tired, frustrated and overwhelmed.

•Why there’s not enough willpower in the world to resist a craving that never goes away.

Talk soon,
dr. del

del millers, 13175 fountain park dr #a412, playa vista, ca 90094, United States
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