Subject: [Podcast] Creating a Future Vision of Yourself Now

Hey Friend,

Happy Holidays!

In case you've been busy and haven't had a chance to tune in to my podcast, The Best You've Ever Been, please do so.

This week we're talking about why it's important to create a future vision of yourself NOW!

Past episodes this month:
  • Why "I'll pick up after the holidays" mindset is keeping you stuck.
  • The most important decision you'll make this year.
  • The best you've ever been.
  • Is it time for a change.
  • What got you here, won't get you there.

Our Weekly exploration will touch upon the FOUR quadrants of well-being:

PHYSICALLY: You want to create your best body. That means you want to look good naked and feel sexy again! And gentlemen, you want to trade in that keg for a six-pack, and the middle-aged bulge for your ideal physique.

MENTALLY: You want to take charge of your mind because every habit begins as just a thought.

EMOTIONALLY: You’re looking to let go of old baggage, work through your unresolved issues, and learn to feel good about yourself now.

SPIRITUALLY: You want to feel whole and complete. You want to learn to love yourself again.

Please SUBSCRIBE to be notified of new episodes and leave me a RATING here:

Talk soon,
Dr. Del
PS. The Apple Podcast and Google Podcast apps are already on your iphone and Android.


1. Weight Loss Made Easy Program: 

2. FREE Videos and Ebook:
Top THREE Things You Must do to Lose Weight for the Last Time!

3. FREE Health Strategy Call with Dr. Del
del millers, 13175 fountain park dr #a412, playa vista, ca 90094, United States
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