Subject: [Get Your Sexy Back] What if you've been misled about weight loss?

Hey Friend,

You may not even remember me, but yes, you did sign up to attend my webinar, GET YOUR SEXY BACK.

Why should you still attend?

Well, what if you've been misled about what it really takes to lose weight AND keep it off?

AND, what if what you've been taught about weight loss is the very reason why you keep regaining your weight?

So, why don't you come join us and learn why the first thing I teach my clients about weight loss is: Forget about weight loss, focus on...

Use the link below to choose a new date and time, or watch the replay of the last one I did. 

You really don't want to miss it.  And here's why...I'm going to tell you things you've NEVER heard before, like:

  • Why to get off the weight loss merry-go-round, you MUST go beyond diet and exercise and get to the SOURCE of what controls your habits and behaviors.

  • The number one reason why giving up sugar, pasta, bread, and all the foods you love to eat is a recipe for future weight gain.

  • Why I have my clients focus on achieving EMOTIONAL MASTERY to get lasting results.

  • How to let go of ALL the unnecessary suffering around your weight and focus on creating the best version of yourself.

  • The TWO things you MUST do to achieve successful long-term weight loss.

Talk soon,
Dr. Del

PS. Can you share this email with someone who is struggling with her/his weight?

del millers, 13175 fountain park dr #a412, playa vista, ca 90094, United States
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