Subject: RSVP Time (Measurements and Nutrition)! Sign Up Now!

Hi Friend!

Great day to you!  I feel so accomplished having walked to the beach with Vivi, played eye spy on the front steps, did laundry, played hide and seek, made breakfast, made a meal plan for the day, made "train tracks" in Vivi's room out of her foam squares, took the trash out (again) and took a shower all by 9am.  Yipee!  

Oh and I did my push ups and a bunch of shoulder and hip mobility exercises in the kitchen to wake up, while Vivi ate her first snack at 5:30am (ughh).

And that's how my life is going right now, so don't judge (wink), and it's time to see how your training is going.

Private Measurements (PM)
7-9am, Sat, July 26 @ MC
RSVP Now to record some new data and see where you're at.

Custom Corrective Cardio (C3)
7-9am, Sat, July 26 @ MC
Reserve 5 Time Slots to complete your Functional Movement Screen.
Then sign up here for your custom plan to get cardio minutes and address areas of concern we can't cover fully in boot camp.      

Nutrition Discussion (ND)                                                                   
1:30-2:45pm, Sat, July 26 @ MC
You train so hard.  You make time for your self-care.  Now take it further by scheduling meals times, planning out meals and choosing a mix of foods that are good for you, that you like and bring joy, while checking off the boxes for health, body transformation and performance.

Tonight is Workout B and tomorrow is Workout A.

I hope to see you at 1 or both.

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s.  here's the link for private measurements & movement screens.

p.p.s.  here's the link to sign up for a C3.

p.p.p.s   here's the nutrition link!

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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