Subject: P5 Recap (and reminder: Stretch & Sprint!).

Hi Friend,

Happy Friday to you!

Woo!, that was a fast phase! Time flies when you're having fun. Speaking of flies, we had one in the house. Remember the old towel snap. A towel snap with a dish towel is my go to fly catcher of choice.

Moving along.

Phase 5 Recap

It looked like it was a really enjoyable phase for most and hopefully all. I think many who were able to train this phase have begun to experience some of the benefits, themes and goals of the phase. Remember super compensation, in which some of the benefits and the results come after, not necessarily during, so as we move into phase 6 and 7, you may still realize the benefits of phase 5. Which specific benefits? Stronger, faster, more energized, body composition changes, improved performance, health, etc...

Cardio Minutes - Week 3

We did 23min / workout. Minutes are due Monday. As a group we're close to 90% reporting. That's fantastic. Keep going!

4 for 4's

You hear many of the same people nailing their 4 for 4 goals. They've developed a system that works for them. You can do it too. Make it a little simpler so you can win every time. You're still practicing habits that promote health. You just tweak them a little so you can win more often and ride that momentum of confidence and feel good.

  • 1. Sleep. I need 8+. It's hard for me to slow down enough to do that. I've continually reduced my goal to 7.25 hours as a sleep goal. That's 7 hours and 15min. That's not working every time for me, but I'm now hitting way more often. If I need to cut another 15min, to get the wins, I'll do it. Cut 15min from your goal and see if you can hit this new goal more often.

  • 2. Meals. This one also has a best practice and a most realistic version. Best practice according to Dr. Tom Halton for weight loss would be 3 meals / day and no snacks. Best practice for Fat Loss equals 3+ meals / day. 3 meals and maybe 1 more on muscularly fatiguing days. Performance meal plans equaled divide your awake hours by 3 and that's the number of meals per day to aim for.

Sleep 8, awake 16. Divide 16 / 3 = 5 meals / day.

Sleep 6, awake 18. Divide 18 / 3 = 6 meals / day.

I think now as a no longer single, married, parent and self-employed, that it's much better to think about energy. Do you have enough energy to perform. Not too little to be weak, tired & bonk. Not too much to be in food coma and sluggish. Find that right balance. How many meals is that for you? You could always re-visit the meal plan suggestions above for a short period, if you had a weight loss or fat loss goal, but based on the training and cardio minutes goals you have you're living the performance lifestyle. So are you a 3, 4, 5 or 6 meal per day person. Try that consistency for phase 6 and see if you can hit it most every time (90%).

  • 3. Exercise. Remember. 5 minutes of intentional exercise counts. Go for a walk. Stretch something. Play with your kids. Walk the dog. Play catch with the dog (throw it and chase after the ball and try to get it before the dog). Etc... And can be a full workout, short workout or only 5 min. Get moving. Break up the inertia at rest and create an inertia of motion.

  • 4. Nutrition. There's always something you might want to practice as far as nutrition goes. Pick something you've been thinking about for health, body composition, performance or other. Make it so simple that you can do it everyday so you have a 9 out of 10 confidence you can do it. Start with @ 1 meal as a goal or 1x / day.

Good luck. Every day is a fresh start.

Shout Outs

  • 4 for 4's, P5, W3: Michaela M (2), Vanessa K-A (2), Stephanie B, Marisa C (3), Carol V (3), Alfredo G-O (2), Julie L (2), Gregor R, Elizabeth D (2), Emily S, Nishaat V, Madeline M and Peter K. Well done. That feels good.

  • P5, W2 Cardio Minute Goals: Marisa C (290), Josh G (150), Michelle C (226), Lauren C (263), Peter K (325), Madeline M (960), Michaela M (260), Karna K (339), Stephanie B (250), William S (180), Elizabeth D (270), Lisa L (348), Carol V (266), Alfredo G-O (150), Nishaat V (180) and Lucy B (519). High Five. That feels good to move!

  • P5, Perfect Attendance: Marisa C, Josh G, Peter K, Julie L, Karna K, Julie T, Elizabeth D, Vanessa K-A (+3), Alfredo G-O and Nishaat V. High five for finding a way to show up consistently. That feels great!

  • Welcome back to Lucy B and Sue M! We missed you both. Great first phase. Keep going!

  • High Five for getting yourself back on track Lauren C, Madeline M, Diane G, Scott T, and Emily S. I hope you're feeling good having self-care back consistently on your schedule!

  • Congratulations to Paula and Liz's son's Andrew and Ben respectively for their upcoming college graduations! Yay for you all!

  • Wishing you great training to Lisa L (5/29) and Stephanie B (10/9), for their marathon training.

  • Vanessa K-A for all the good karma you're putting into the world and having it come back your way. Keep going!

Stretch & Sprint

7-8a, tomorrow, Sat, May 14 @ Mackenzie Center

Bring: roller, mat, superband, miniband, water, towel.

As Vivi says, leave early to be early. We start sharply at 7a. Come experience the simple and well balanced stretch & sprint 60min workout and then enjoy the full day ahead of you.

RSVP to let me know you're coming!

It looks like the weather is supposed to be amazing.

Make it count,

Coach Mike

p.s. are you coming to the stretch & sprint? you should be. it's awesome, you're awesome, combine them together and you get doubly awesome!

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