Subject: New Week, Fresh Start! Here are your cardio minutes for 2016, P1, W2!

Did you watch the Patriots game last night?  Talk about suspense.  Down to the wire.  Have you seen the replays with Gronk wide open?  Uggggh.  Frustrating.  

Anyways.  The Broncos were awesome and deserved to win.  The Patriots just weren't good enough.  And now.

A fresh start with a new week.  Time to move forward and live your life, one day at a time b/c you can't live two days at once.  You can't right?

Here your cardio minutes.

Cardio Minutes - Week 2
Time          Day 1          Day 2          Day 3          Total
6:00am      14               14                14               42
9:00am      14               14                14               42
6:30pm      14               14                14               42
Please reply now if you haven't already reported your minutes.

2016, Phase 1b
Today we start P1b.  It'll be even more fast.  We'll averaging around 21min of cardio / class.  The core & strength work to rest ratios are now 30:15 from 20:10.  The Total DB Load remains 15-30%BW.  We'll be doing, most everyone's favorite style of workout in which we alternate the strength (1round) w/ the conditioning (2min).  We'll do this for 6 total rounds or circuits (3rds for the Strength B-Circuit, 3rd for the Strength C-Circuit paired with 6rds of whatever conditioning we're doing that day).  

The emphasis on these workouts are for weight loss, pillar stability and spring sports.  You don' have to have a weight loss goal to gain benefit from these workouts.  They're very complimentary for fat loss training and anaerobic endurance.  Follow your meal plan and use the high end of the DB Load (30%BW).  The reason this workout is complimentary to weight loss is b/c it's low stress, fast, a total body workout, short rest periods, not very taxing later on the body, more metabolic acceleration based than metabolic strength or strength based, lower DB loads, lots of conditioning, not designed to really get strong (no pull ups, 1-DB vs 2-DB's, etc...).  If you're looking to lose some weight, follow the weight loss nutrition plan, hit or exceed your cardio goal, prioritize your sleep, manage your stress and have fun.  

Special Note:
Ever hear about the fad diets where people lose a ton of weight and then rebound and gain it all back.  Most of the times is b/c the person loses muscle mass vs fat mass when the scale goes down.  Muscle is directly related to metabolism.  The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn and the more energy you have (plus the more you can & have to eat to sustain it).  The less muscle you have, the slower your metabolism, the less calories you burn, the less energy you have, the more tired you feel, the more likely you're going to eat quick burning foods to pick up your energy, which are going to make your blood sugar unstable b/c of the quick spike in glucose, which causes a quick spike in insulin, which causes you to crash and be low energy again, which makes you want to eat quick burning foods to feel better, and hence the yo-yo.

Take Home Message
Prioritize eating protein with every meal, whether your goal is weight loss, weight maintenance / fat loss or performance / muscle building & weight gain.  Ladies eat 1 palm minimum.  Men eat 2 palms minimum.  This will increase the chances that you'll maintain lean mass, preferable add lean mass vs. use lean muscle for fuel / energy while training, which if that happened would cause the special note yo-yo above.  So if you prioritize protein every meal, you're chances to keep & build muscle go up.  Plus, since we're weight training in BC, that helps to increase your chances of success in keeping and building muscle as well.

New workout card.  New Week.  Fresh Start!  Take it.  Embrace it.  Empty your cup, so you can refill it and move forward.  Let go of all the stuff that's holding you back.  You can't do anything about it now anyways, but you can do something about your next decision.

See you soon.

Your coach,

Mike Alves

p.s.  what'd you do for cardio last week?

p.p.s.  attached is the P1b workout card for your convenience.

Athletes by Alves,321 Walnut St., #263, Newton, Massachusetts 02460, United States
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