Subject: 2010 Phase 1 Boot Camp

Hi Friend,



Happy New Year and Happy Friday! 



Man…I can not wait to see you on Sunday/Monday and get rocking and rolling.  You know you love what you do, when you can’t wait to get back to it.  A 3 week recovery period seemed like a good idea a year ago, but 2 weeks would have sufficed.



O.K.  Who’s ready to get in there best shape?  Go ahead and raise your hand if you’re ready to rock and roll.  (I’m raising my hand are you?-wink)



So boot camp begins on Sunday @ 8am.  Come in, get measured and get out.  We are going to make HUGE body changes this year.  Are you ready to be bad a** and smoking hot?  I don’t care if you’ve slipped up the last 3 weeks.  It doesn’t matter.  What matters will be how awesome and dramatic your changes are going to be 5 weeks from now.  But you’ll need those before measurements to compare to later.    



Check out what your peer Sally did during the fall 2009 Change Your Body Challenge.


“My Energy Level is Up, My Confidence is Up, and I am Starting to Live My Life Again!”


Sally's Before & After photos



"During this 12 week period I have lost 19.5 pounds, dropped 2 dress sizes, decreased my body fat by 10.3%, decreased my waist by 4.75" and hips by 4 1/16” along with a series of personal fitness milestones including running a 10:35 minute mile!  My energy level is up, my confidence is up, and I am starting to live my life again!

This is just the beginning; I have many more goals to reach. I would like to: continue lowering my body fat, decrease my waist and hips measurements, build more lean muscle, and improve my fitness level making new fitness milestones, including running a 9+ minute mile! I am very fortunate to have a loving family and friends to support me in my journey at home! I feel incredible, I am very happy; I have won already, as I have changed my life!"




Measurements last about 3 minutes per person if we work together.  Working together means, you’re shoes are untied, your layers are removed.  Next person in line stands at the door and you understand that we can’t really have deep conversations during measurements because we want to move quickly. 


Once measurements are done we’ll break into an orientation.  Returning boot campers are free to go after that and “rookies” will stay.  Orientation is where you can ask me any question you have and I’ll paint you a picture of what to expect.  Once finished you go home.






Testing will now be done on the 1st class and on the last class of boot camp.  We’ll still test the same things, but we’ll make testing more of a full class and incorporate the testing components.  It’ll be a perfect compliment to challenge week, (thank you Marisa for the idea) because you’ll get to record results when you’re peaking.  It will also free up your weekends.


Moving forward:


  • Measurements will be scheduled in 3-4 min appointment blocks
  • Everyone can now test regardless of w/e commitments.
  • You’ll receive instant feedback of your progress from the boot camp phase.
  • You’ll set more personal records because of the special environment & culture that will be created. 
  • You’ll have more fun.
  • You’ll continue to:

1.      associate fun with exercise

2.      feel younger

3.      gain abundant energy

4.      move better

5.      get stronger

6.      transform your body

7.      lose fat / lose weight / gain muscle

8.      look smoking hot

9.      make new friends



O.K.  Now onto this weeks newsletter about goal setting. 


Please click here to read.






Your coach,


Mike Alves


Change Your Body Boot Camps