Subject: Spring at Boomerang

Spring forward with Boomerang!
It was an amazing month and we were so happy to see so many of you coming out and challenging yourselves! I loved hearing from you that your bodies were thriving with the extra classes. We're honoured to be part of your self-care plans. ❤
I found that going without sugar for a month was easier than I anticipated. It has definitely made me aware of the fact that sometimes I use a treat as a way to combat boredom, and that sometimes it's about getting a quick hit when I'm hungry. I will try to be more mindful about my consumption, because really I didn't miss it as much as I thought, so why eat more sugar than I really want!!
The 5 Class pass winner is....
Although it was a tight race, the winner is Karrie K

Karrie came out to 43 classes over 30 days, followed by Christine K. with 30, Louisa M. with 28, and Heather S. with 27! 

Thanks so much to everyone who participated!
~ Alison xo
Ab | Rehab
Mondays at 7:30 pm with Fahmida

Whether you’ve just had a baby or you have an inkling your core needs to be addressed specifically – this class is for you. A strong core is not just about abs and if you are experiencing back, shoulder or pelvic issues come and learn how to strengthen the system not just a set of muscles.

Power Pilates  
Wednesdays at 7:30 pm with Justine

Power Pilates is your traditional Pilates choice! Build up to the classical exercises with preps and stretches. Activate your centre while getting the benefits of all the Pilates principles!

​If you want to rock the Hundreds, this class is for you.

Get Moving 101: Chest & Shoulders
Saturday, May 20 with Alison 
from 2:30-3:30 pm. FREE WORKSHOP!

Get Moving 101: Feet & Legs
Saturday, June 17 with Petra 
from 2:30-3:30 pm. FREE WORKSHOP!
2 Day workshop for teachers and bodyworkers:

Move SMART: Sustainable Core
Saturday, June 10 and Sunday, June 11, from 9am-5pm with Alison Crouch and Janet Walker, Osteopathic Manual Practitioner. 

Student Special!

Just in time for school to be out for summer! Come de-stress and move your body after all that time studying. Bring in your valid student card and you'll save 15% off your 10 class pass. 
NEW on Alison's blog for teachers and bodyworkers:
Alison shares her tips in a 3 part series called You can't control other people.  In part one, she unpacks how to respond rather than react to different types of clients. Starting with the anxious private client we'll call Jane...

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2nd Floor, Roncesvalles United Church
240 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto

Boomerang Pilates and Wellness, 240 Roncesvalles Ave, M6R 2L8, Toronto, Canada
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