Subject: [Free class] New year's resolutions not required!

Inner thighs, new classes & no pressure!

It's almost New Year's Eve and the pressure is building...

Just say NO to resolutions that don't make you feel good!

Happy mid-week holidays!


One of our wonderful clients emailed me after class a couple of weeks ago to ask if we could extend the replay. She loved the focus on inner thighs and the sneaky don't-notice-it-in-the-moment-but-feel-it-later workout!

I know there's this assumption that everyone will head to the gym and studio as resolution season kicks into high gear, but there are other things to take into consideration...

  • Kids and grandkids aren't back at school yet, so your time may be limited

  • You may be an introvert who just needs to be alone after the busy holidays

  • The holidays are expensive and you may need a break from spending money

  • You might want to avoid the judge-y feelings that can show up in gyms and studios at this time of year

  • Maybe you're just getting started on your movement journey and doing it quietly at home feels like a better choice

Or maybe you can't wait to get going on your fresh start, new year feelings!

Whatever you think about the January fitness boom, this class replay is live until Jan 7.

The class focuses on inner thighs and lower abdominals. It's spine-safe for those with osteoporosis and wakes up those crucial deep muscles.

Try doing it a few times and see how your hips and core respond to the repetition!

Exciting new classes!

Emily is offering a second drop-in Equipment Explorations Circuit class that takes you through the reformers, stability chairs and small barrels. Learn the curriculum and take control of your workout!

Starts Saturday Jan 14 @ 2 pm and you can use our new equipment 10 class drop-in pass to attend.

Equipment Essentials Circuit is back with Tania as a 6 week pre-registered class. It's limited to 4 students and takes you on a carefully crafted journey to get familiar with the big equipment: the reformer, the stability chair and the Cadillac.

Mondays @ 9:30 am

Jan 23-Feb 7

**Not included in the 10 class pass**

Osteoporosis and bone density means you need more movement, more strength and great balance and agility.

Introducing Osteo💥Blast, our new hybrid online and in-studio class!

This drop-in class will be mostly standing and will use a chair, resistance bands and hand weights to build whole body strength, endurance, challenge your balance and give you a great spine-safe workout. It's going to be super fun, whether you have bone loss or not!

Emily starts Wednesdays on January 4 and Alison starts Thursdays on Feb 9.

Save your IN STUDIO spot.

Work out at home with the LIVESTREAM version!

We hope you're having a wonderful holiday and that we see you soon either in the studio or onscreen!


Alison and Team B 🎉💙✨