Subject: {Action Required} Want to keep hearing from us?

Are you in the EU? 

As with all companies that hold personal data, Boomerang will be following the new rules of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) going into effect May 25th.

That means that if you live or work in the EU, opted into our newsletter while visiting the EU or will be returning to the EU from a visit here, you need to reconfirm your subscription to our email list. 

Even if you are not located in the EU, please click the link to be moved over to our new Boomerang Newsletter list! Anyone not clicking will be deleted from our newsletter.
And here's a thought....
If you aren't in Toronto and coming to the studio, maybe you want to follow Alison at her personal newsletter! (It comes along every 2-4 weeks, depending on how busy life is!)

That's where you get all the latest stuff... movement and exercise ideas, teaching and pro tips to amp up your mad skills, videos, the blog, the latest workshops and online offerings as well as the occasional musing on life.

Regardless of which newsletter you want to follow, you can always unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of any email and you will be safely removed from the list!

We hope you want to stay connected and keep on moving and grooving with the Boomerang team or with Alison, whichever makes sense for you!

2nd Floor, Roncesvalles United Church
240 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto

Boomerang Pilates and Wellness, 240 Roncesvalles Ave, M6R 2L8, Toronto, Canada
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.