Subject: First Step To Fat Loss - Part # 2 - Water Intake

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Losing weight and getting in shape doesn't have to be as complicated as most people make it out to be.

When you cut through all the hype and get right to the basics it just comes down to better eating and exercise habits - that's it.

But the problem is that most people complicate the process with overly restrictive crash diets, extreme workouts, and all kinds of BS supplements with hopes of short cutting the process and achieving some quick fix fat loss.

The reality is that it took years of bad habits to get fat in the first place. So stop trying to undo years of damage within a few weeks of extreme diet and exercise...

It's not uncommon to see people work themselves into a frenzy to lose weight ASAP - spending hours in the gym, while drastically restricting calories, and cutting out entire food groups in many cases (i.e. no carbs).

Then before you know it - you're feeling burnt out, tired, hungry, and irritable. Which leads back to binge eating and re-bound weight gain - the typical Yo-Yo Diet Syndrome that over 90% of all dieters experience.

So how do you lose the weight, keep it off, and actually enjoy the process?

The "secret" to a sustainable fitness and fat loss transformation is taking small baby steps in the right direction and letting those baby steps compound into a life changing transformation slowly over time.

Instead of trying to change everything from day one - how about you just focus on making a 1% improvement today, and then another 1% improvement tomorrow, and 1% the next day, etc...

While it doesn't seem like much and no one is going to give you a medal for making a 1% improvement. It's not going to be very difficult either. You won't go feeling deprived, burnt out, or hangry by making small 1% improvements.

In fact, it's actually quite easy to make small baby steps of progress. Just think about it, if you got 1% better each day - by this time next year you would be a totally different person - leaner, healthier, fitter, and you would actually enjoy the process.

In this video I'm going to cover another simple 1% "Baby Step" to fat loss - WATER INTAKE - which is one of the most neglected aspects of nutrition, but has a HUGE impact on your health, fitness and weight loss.
Water Intake For Fat Loss!
First Step To Fat Loss - Part # 2 - Water Intake

Watch the video and then complete your "Home Work Assignment" action steps towards improving your fitness and fat loss.
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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