Subject: Polish Newsletter on Optics and Photonics – March 2024 – Candela Foundation & PPTF

March edition of the Polish Newsletter on Optics and Photonics prepared by the Candela Foundation and Polish Technological Platform on Photonics

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Polish Newsletter on Optics and Photonics

edition#28 (March 2024)

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Good morning!

Welcome to the 28th edition of PNOF, where we consistently deliver important news for the optics and photonics development community in Poland. The past month was full of awards and decisions on key competitions to support R&D activities.

We invite you to read the PNOF and to share your feedback with us,
Candela Foundation
Polish Technological Platform on Photonics

plakat Dnia Fotoniki na Wydziale Fizyki UW

IMAMPC in Poland!

The Candela Foundation, in cooperation with the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS (IPC PAS) and the University of Warsaw, would like to cordially invite you to IMAMPC'2024 - 13th International Meeting on Atomic and Molecular Physics and Chemistry, The event will take place in Warsaw on 9-12 July 2024. We particularly encourage the participation of students, for whom we have prepared a financial support programme!

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plakat Dnia Fotoniki na Wydziale Fizyki UW

HyperPIC selected for funding

VIGO Photonics' project, HyperPIC, has been shortlisted for FENG funding. The company wants to build an infrared chip factory that revolutionises the way electronic devices collect data. The aim of the project is to develop and implement integrated photonic chip technology for mid-infrared. (Photo: VIGO Photonics)

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Job board

Post-doc - biophotonics


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VIGO Photonics

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Sii Poland

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zdjęcie przedstawicieli podczas konferencji Photonics Day Berlin Brandenburg

Awards for Polish photonics at the Polish Science Gala

On the occasion of Polish Science Day, a gala ceremony was held in the Warsaw University of Technology premises, during which the Minister of Science, Dariusz Wieczorek, presented awards to the most distinguished representatives of the scientific and academic community. Among the awarded we can find a large group connected with optics and photonics. Congratulations on your distinction! (photo: Ministry of Science and Higher Education)

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zdjęcie z laboratorium przedstawiajace osoby pracujące

Katarzyna Matczyszyn Wroclawian of the Year

Katarzyna Matczyszyn from the Wrocław University of Technology has been named the winner of the Wrocławian of the Year 2023 competition in the science and research category. The laureate is a specialist in biophotonics and non-linear optics. She is also interested in advanced microscopy techniques and imaging. Congratulations on the award! (photo: private archives)

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okładka raportu ICTER

Optics and photonics in the FNP IRAPs

The Foundation for Polish Science has announced the results of the first and second calls for proposals within the International Research Agendas Program, funded by the FENG programme. Out of seven selected projects, as many as five are related to optics and photonics. Congratulations to the teams responsible for preparing the winning proposals!

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zdjęcie ekranu komputera na którym wyswietlane sa dane medyczne

Quantum for Defence Conference

The Quantum Technologies for Defence conference, organised by the European Commission together with the PPTF, OpTecBB, AlphaRLH and the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance, was held at CEZAMAT PW in Warsaw. 150 participants from 17 countries (including nearly 90 from Poland) sought specific applications of quantum technologies in the defence domain. (Photo: PPTF)

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okładka raportu ICTER

NASK works on photonics-enabled quantum computer

The National Research Institute NASK has become one of 18 partners in the EPIQUE project, which aims to develop a photonics-based quantum computer. The development of quantum computers is still at the prototyping stage, and scientists are pointing to at least several development paths. One of these is a solution based on photonic technologies.

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State-of-the-art microscope at UŁ

The University of Lodz has launched the first Leica MICA FideField system in Poland and the fifth in the world. The ultra-modern equipment has provides scientists with new research opportunities. The purchase opens up new research opportunities for both the faculty's research teams and other scientific institutions, expanding opportunities for collaboration.

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Research highlights

abstrakcyjna grafika pokazująca model karty sieciowej dla komputerów kwantowych

Experiments with antimatter

Researchers at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, have published the results of research work describing an experiment in which, for the first time, a positron was cooled using laser light. This achievement paves the way for a whole new set of antimatter studies, including the production of a matter-antimatter system that emits laser-like gamma light. Producing such exotic bound states of matter and antimatter requires a careful combination of knowledge and expertise from different branches of science and the use of a globally unique research infrastructure.  

(Photo. Andrzej Romański/UMK)

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Grafika przedstawiająca naukowca w kitlu trzymającego kolby z niebieską i czerwoną cieczą

Optically trapped quantum droplets of light

Researchers at the University of Warsaw's Faculty of Physics have used a new generation of semiconductor photonic lattices to optically align quantum complexes of light droplets that have been assembled into macroscopic coherent states. This research forms the basis of a new method to simulate and study the interactions between artificial atoms in a highly reconfigurable way, implemented using the tools of optics and photonics.

(visualisation: Antonio Gianfrate, source: CNR Nanotec)

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Logo projekt PhotonHub Europe

PhotonHub Europe

PhotonHub Europe (PHE) is a Europe-wide support network for entrepreneurs who want to incorporate innovative photonic solutions into their products or processes. Supported by national PhotonHubs, the 36 top European technology centres offer information and training, business support, support in raising funding and a wide network of contacts - and above all the opportunity to experiment, test and develop technologies (including scaling up production). PhotonHub also comprehensively supports startups. However, the main part of its offer is high-end technology services, available at a very significant discount thanks to EU funding.  These services are available to all entities in the EU, with a special focus on SMEs. The PPTF is the Polish partner of PHE as the national photonics hub.

zrzut ekrany ze strony PhotonHub Europę

Deadlines for project submissions in the first half of 2024

PhotonHub supports innovation by funding technology services. Funding is provided through projects developed by companies in collaboration with a selected technology centre.

The decisions of funding are made every two months by the Project Evaluation Team (PET).

In order for a project to be evaluated and be eligible for funding in the first half of 2024 already, one must submit it on time:

  • by 15 April to be evaluated in April already; 

  • by 23 May to be evaluated before the summer holidays.

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grafika z symbolem koperty

Do you know something worth sharing in the newsletter?

We are collecting information about optics and photonics community in Poland. The newsletters is created in close collaboration with the local community. If you want to share with us something interesting, newsworthy – please contact us by sending an mail to

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