Subject: "the leg exercise Nick tried to kill me with..."

And yes, I did actually have somebody actually call it that before :)

If you're one of the treasured few out there who LOVE working legs
hard, you're going to enjoy this one.

It's a GREAT combination exercise done using the In-Set Superset
technique where you alternate single reps of two different exercises
within one set in order to focus the workload on one common

In this case, however, both exercises will work the same general
muscles (quads, hams, glutes, lower back), just in a different

For this exercise, you're going to be combining a dumbell split
squat with what amounts to a stiff-legged deadlift done with one
leg forward (hence the forward lean). Your leg and foot position
stays the same the whole way through the just alternate
between reps of one exercise then the other. Then you switch
legs and rep out on the other side.

This is an excellent exercise for developing the ENTIRE lower body
as well as targeting the lower back.

Check out In-Set Superset Split Squat Forward Leaning One-Leg
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts here (a.k.a. "the leg exercise Nick tried to
kill me with")...

Total Lower Body Training

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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