Subject: Your one "MUST HAVE" key for effective fat-loss training at home...

Because look, here's the may
not want to go to a gym..

Heck, I don't...which is why I built a gym in my basement!!

Or even if you want to, you may not even HAVE a gym
nearby that you can go to!

That still doesn't mean you should settle for anything less
than STELLAR fat-loss results.

Aside from diet (which we all know!), there is just ONE
real key to training for effective "at-home" fat loss.

And that one key is SMART work.

You'll notice I didn't just say "work"...

...because honestly, sitting on a stationary bike and
"doing work" will not get you very far...

(see what I did there? ;) a STATIONARY bike will not
get you very far...

Anyways...look, that whole "heath club quality exercise"
thing you hear on informercials is total garbage. There's
no such thing as a "health club quality exercise."

Bottom line is you DON'T need a gym.

Give me simple bodyweight and free weight exercises
ANY TIME over a fancy machine.
You'll get much better

Machine exercises don't challenge your body in a
progressive way that adjusts to your changing needs
as you get stronger and better.

PROGRESSIVE training is what I'm talking about...
using the RIGHT exercises in the RIGHT order.

Here's a quick example below for you can see,
you start with very simple, very easy exercises then
to harder movements as you build strength.

As you work through these progressions over time, you're
reshaping your body at your OWN pace based on how
YOU respond to training.

Because if you want to be TRULY successful with fat loss,
you need to find a program that does this for you...

...that CHALLENGES you to progress so that you don't
stagnate and plateau and stop losing fat....

...that takes you by the hand and shows you EXACTLY
what you need to know (and do!) to get continuous

...that is based on PROVEN training principles that keep
your workouts fun, interesting and EFFECTIVE for the
long term.

The program that fits the bill is CT-50, created by my
good friend and colleague Tyler Bramlett.

I've mentioned this program a few times myself this
week...and, if you get any other fitness newsletters,
you've likely been flooded with emails about it over the
past few days!

...and for good's an EXCELLENT fat-loss
and one that I can recommend to you very


You can do this program no matter what level of trainer
you are, simply because Tyler has put together
"progressive" workouts that are designed to challenge
you no matter if you're a total beginner or very advanced...

The workouts are designed to be done with MINIMAL home or at the gym.

And, above all...they are EFFECTIVE.


Now, this week only, Tyler has put CT-50 on sale
for dirt cheap...literally less than 20 bucks.

This is a phenomenal deal that actually ends at
midnight tonight.

So if you want a program that is going to give everything
you need to know to lose fat FAST in the privacy
of your
own home, with only very simple equipment needed, I
would say definitely take advantage of this deal!

Learn more about CT-50 and grab your copy now before
the price goes up!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel



I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

Be sure to visit (and like!) my Facebook fan page and subscribe to my
YouTube channel for more free exercises and training techniques.

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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.
