Subject: Your REAL "secret weapon" for BRUTE strength (this is deadly...)

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

I'll give you a's not a supplement...

It has the potential to increase almost EVERY SINGLE LIFT you do
in the gym on daily basis...

And when I tell you what it is, I'm sure you'll slap your head
and say "man, yeah, I really should be doing more of that"
because I have a feeling you already KNOW what it is...

So what is it?

Grip strength training.

And yep, I fully realize it's not as glamorous as those big fancy
supplement ads you see in the magazines that claim you'll drop 50
lbs of fat while gaining 80 lbs of muscle if you take this little
pill for a few weeks.

This is REAL...and I'm all about real.

And it's going to help you build REAL strength, not only in your
grip but in your ENTIRE BODY as well.

Because almost EVERY single exercise you do in the gym is going
to benefit from grip strength work...not only in pulling
exercises (which is obvious) but in pushing exercises like bench
press (when you can grip the bar harder, you can exert more
pushing power as happens automatically).

So today I am writing to let you know of a brand new DVD that one
of my good buddies, Jedd Johnson, from the Diesel Crew is
releasing today (I've got a special link for you below where you
can get it for cheaper than the regular price).

Jedd is a Strength Coach, RKC-Certified Kettlebell Instructor and
100% Crazed Grip Strength Fanatic and he's just released his new
product Home Made Strength: Grip Strength Edition and this thing
is great. I have to say, he's put together an outstanding
resource for improving hand and lower arm strength.

This is equipment that he uses year round to keep improving his
Grip Strength and to avoid lower arm injuries. You're not going
to get the "normal" stuff like wrist curls, etc. here. I'm sure
you realize by now that "normal" just doesn't appeal to me at all :)

Very good stuff and well worth picking up a copy, especially if
you want to develop serious hand and grip strength to take ALL
your training to a whole new level.

Click here to get your copy for cheap right now...


And if you want to check out four sample videos of the kind of
info Jedd is talking about:

Grip: The Secret Weapon
DIY Hub Lift
DIY Axle
How to Implement Grip Training


Is it fancy?


Will it help you build BRUTE, dinosaur strength with very simple
equipment and training that can be very easily incoroporated into
what you're already doing?




P.S. If you pick up Home Made Strength II: Grip Strength Edition
this week through my link above, I will also throw in a bonus
book of my own, "The Best Core Strength Exercises You've Never
Heard Of." Just forward your receipt to me at
and I'll fire it over to you.

So when you get Home Made Strength II: Grip Strength Edition, not
only will you be getting Stronger Hand, Wrists and Forearms,
you'll also learn some of my favorite exercises for developing a
steel-girder strong core.


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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