Subject: Your 5-day "toxic body" repair plan...

Inside your body, after years of repeated inflammation, cheat foods,
periods of inactivity, and harmful environmental factors, you most
likely have a LOT of toxic "stuff" accumulated inside you.

This toxicity may be manifesting as love handles, wrinkles, a spare
tire, or stress

Fat cells are your body's toxic waste sequesters wastes
inside the fat cells to keep that waste from doing more harm to
your body! And yep, once it's locked away, your body does NOT
want to open the doors and let all the garbage back out without a
very good reason.

And if you've tried extreme cleanses that require you do strange
things like consume maple syrup and lemon, that's even worse.

You're actually depleting your body of the nutrients it needs to
'cleanse' by doing such a diet. Instead, I recommend you follow
this 5 Day Metabolism Reset and lose weight the right way.

Get rid of toxicity and lose fat more easily:

>> TOXIC Body Plan -- Step-by-Step

This is a great SIMPLE approach to getting yourself back on track.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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