Subject: RIDICULOUS sale price on a great digestive enzyme supplement ($9)

First off, if you already take digestive enzymes,
don't even read the rest of this email...just go
to this page and get this right now.
thank me for it.

Biotrust, one of the very few supplements companies I actually
fully recommend, has just let me know that they've got an
overstock of their digestive enzyme supplement, AbsorbMax.

They need to get rid of it to free up space in the warehouse, so
they're letting it go for $9 a bottle (minimum 3 bottles per
order, maximum 12 bottles per order).

The regular price is $49 a bottle.

They have a limited supply at this price and when it's gone,
it's GONE and the sale price goes away.

This is a premium digestive enzyme's one that I use
myself and HIGHLY recommend.

If you haven't tried one before, take this opportunity to test it out.

If you HAVE tried it before, you now how good it is...go stock up NOW.


Why Use Digestive Enzymes?

Because you are what you ABSORB.

As we get older, our supply of digestive enzymes diminishes.
This is not's just a fact.

And this decrease actually contributes mightily to the decline
in muscle mass and appetite that people experience as they
get older.

The body simply CAN'T digest the food you eat enough to get
full nutrient absorption out of it.

Taking a good digestive enzyme supplement is absolultey
CRITICAL for anybody over 40, in my opinion.

Personally, I started taking AbsorbMax almost 2 years ago. I'll
double up on it especially before big meals that I know are
going to require a lot of digestion (such as the cheat meal I'm
going to have tonight... ;)

Yes, you are what you eat...but beyond that, you are what you
absorb...the rest just doesn't get used.

So yeah, bottom line...this is a GREAT deal...and very time-limited.
I have no idea when they'll sell out but it will be fast.

Grab your AbsorbMax for dirt-cheap ($9) here
now before it's all gone!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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