Subject: "Worst" sale EVER on my Muscle Explosion book :)

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass

Yep, it's true, I'm having the worst sale EVER on my Muscle
Explosion book. Ordinarily, one would think that I'd want to have
a really GOOD sale, but not me! :)

I'll give you the rundown on the sale first, then tell you more
about the book below, if you're interested (it's a SERIOUSLY
powerful muscle and strength-building program, just fyi).


Here's the link, if you just want to go check it out now:


So here's the deal...right now, the book is priced at $27. For
this big sale, the price is staying at $27 all week. On Friday,
at midnight, I'm going to raise it through the roof...all the way
to $29.95.

So if you don't act fast, you could end up paying an extra $2.95.

Of course, if you DO wait until the price skyrockets that 3
bucks, you're going to miss out on the limited-time bonuses I'm
throwing in for this week only. Your call.

I'm including:

1. The Best Ab Exercises You've Never Heard Of - Core Strength

This book is FULL of exercises designed to target only core
strength (shocker there), helping you develop steel girder
strength throughout your abdominal area, which will come in VERY
handy with the Muscle Explosion program, believe me.

2. Top Secret Arm Training

Since I started training 18 years ago, I've been keeping
journals, recording all my exercise notes, tips and techniques.
They're like my "mad scientist" lab books and this one is all
about arm training...biceps, triceps and forearms. This is raw pictures or video but a TON of training info without
an ounce of fluff.

3. Top Secret Chest Training

Same deal as #2 but with chest exercises and training
techniques. It's like distilling YEARS of training experience
into a neat package that you can print out, take to the gym and
totally freak everybody out with.

So those are my limited-time bonuses that disappear at midnight
on Friday, along with the jacking up of the price by 3 bucks. Go
here now to get your stuff:


About Muscle Explosion

If you're not familiar with Muscle Explosion and you're
interested in massive increases in muscle in very short periods
of time (how does 5 to 10 lbs in 4 weeks sound?), you're in for a

...Because this program is designed to literally FORCE your body
to add muscle mass and gain strength in order to survive.

And yeah, that sounds ominous, but just wait till I tell you
about Week 2 of the program...

I'll be giving you a full rundown of the program live tomorrow
night, in a complimentary teleseminar about the Muscle Explosion
program. I will also have an open Q & A session where I'll
answer your questions about the program and about muscle and
strength-building in general. I'll be doing it on my own, so
there'll be nobody else to interrupt any rants or tangents I
might go off on :)

Here's the call-in info for when the teleseminar starts (you can
listen on the phone or online from anywhere in the world) and the
page where you can submit your questions:

Title: Muscle Explosion Teleseminar
Time: Wednesday, February 10th at 7:00pm Central
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast

To attend, visit:

I'll tell you right up front, this is a very tough program, and
definitely not for beginners. I originally designed it to push
myself to the limit to see how much muscle I could gain in 4
weeks. I worked in all the most POWERFUL mass-building tricks I
know into this program. When you put them all together in a
synergistic, targeted fashion (training, nutrition and
supplementation), the results are downright STUNNING.

Check this out:


"I finished the last workout of 'Muscle Explosion' yesterday.
I've gained close to ten pounds during the month of workouts. Not
bad at 45 years old! I had the feeling this was going to be a
tough system...but I stuck with the plan, endured the feelings of
physical shock during the workouts, and the soreness afterward.

Nick, you're really on to something here. I don't think I could
personally continue at this intensity week after week, but what a
fantastic growth spurt method.

I love the way you're 'pushing the envelope' and refining and
advancing the art and science of natural bodybuilding. You don't
just rehash the great ideas, you turbo-charge them!

- Tim Lauber


Anyway, that's all for now. I'll send a reminder about the
teleseminar tomorrow and probably some more info about the

And yeah, I've got samples... ;)


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