Subject: Want to improve your pull-ups? Read this... [very time-sensitive]

What I'm talking about is something called "The Ultimate Pull-Up Program" by strength coach, author and fellow Canadian, Meghan Callaway.

It's a brand-new program that focuses entirely on how to improve your pull-ups (yes, for real ;)...that she's launching right now...

and it'll be on sale for HALF price until 12 pm PST TODAY (Saturday) just a few hours left.

Now, I'll be straight up honest with you...I've never met Meghan in person... I didn't even know her before just a few days ago.

A good friend of mine (also a trainer) introduced us and sent me a copy of her program to review. He said it was awesome...


And I just have to say is awesome.

This is a phenomenal manual on the pull-up. It's comprehensive, detailed and (gauging it based on my read-through of it) extremely effective.

And yes...she walks the's a picture of Meghan at work. I honestly have no doubt she could do WAY more pull-ups than me.


The Ultimate Pull-Up Program covers every level of pull-up strength and skill.

If you want to learn how to build the strength to do your first pull-up, she's got a special track with instructions specifically for you.

If you can do some already and want to do more (and do them better), she's got progressions and instructions for improving your form.

If you're advanced and want to truly MASTER the pull-up, you will absolutely LOVE the quality of information you're going to get. I've been at this for 28 years and I learned a LOT from this book.


The Bottom Line

Meghan is a high-level coach and athlete. She has SERIOUS knowledge when it comes training and improving the pull-up. This program is PACKED with that knowledge.

So if pull-ups are a big part of your training (or you want to do more of them, or your first one), GET THIS PROGRAM.

That pretty much sums it up!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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