Subject: Want big traps?...A better way to do shrugs...

If you want to develop your upper traps, you need to do shrugs.

Barbell shrugs are good and dumbbell shrugs are good, however, what if you could get the benefits of BOTH in one exercise setup?

That's what you can do with THIS version, done using two barbells set up in the power rack.

(I've got this posted on my Instagram don't need to have an account to watch the video, FYI...and don't forget to follow me on there for all kinds of stuff like this!).

It gives you some of the stability of a barbell shrug, with some of the freedom of movment of a dumbbell shrug (so you can find your own best path)...the loadability of a barbell shrug (meaning you can add as much weight as you want) and the grip work of using a fat bar.

When you put it all together, it makes for a very nice shrugging movement.

I've also got it posted on my Facebook page, if you prefer to watch it on's just a short, 22-second video that gives the full idea of what the setup and execution looks like.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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