Subject: Better than free...great deal from Lost Empire Herbs

I wanted to let you know about a GREAT deal that I just found out about.

My friend, Logan Christopher, just released his newest book titled, Powered By Nature: How Nature Improves Our Happiness, Health and Performance.

The book shows you all kinds of aspects of nature and how these can be used to help make you a better you.

Just buying the book alone would be worth it, but he’s put together an offer that is better than free.

When you order the book at a discounted price of $19.99 you’re going to get a $30 gift card at his company Lost Empire Herbs, good for any and all of the amazing herbs and formulas they offer.

Click here to grab your copy and your gift card's like free money

I’ve talked frequently about how great these herbs are for your health, your hormones, your energy and more. I use the Spartan Formula all the time myself...great as a pre-workout. The Pine Pollen is excellent as well.

So grab this book and you can get some of the best quality herbs to get started with for free.

What’s more is that since the call to write this book came out of Logan’s journey to the Amazon rainforest, for every book sold TWO acres of rainforest get protected.

It’s a win-win-win deal.

Here’s one review for it:

“A must read! I just got my copy and started reading it 3 day's ago. I have a hard time putting it down. If you are the slightest bit concerned about the health of the earth and yourself then this is a must read. Logan's insight and knowledge is spot on. Thank You Logan for writing this book. It came into my life at the right time!”- Hal Irvine

There’s lots more information about the book and what’s inside it on this page.

I've been reading through the book the past few days myself and it's fascinating stuff...definitely worth the read, if you want to know more about the real power nature offers us.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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