Subject: Want a bigger bench press for Christmas?

The bench press...the lift that everyone wants to know how much you can do when they find out you train.

So you want to get your numbers moving in the right direction again?

These 10 quick tips will make a difference in your strength and boost your bench FAST.

(and no, I didn't do a Christmas-themed article...these are just real tips you can put to work... Merry Christmas to you and your family, though!)

Keep in mind, these tips are coming from someone who has almost NO genetic gifts as far as bench press is concerned (bad shoulders, long arms). It's among my weakest lifts and I have to struggle for every single pound I add onto it.

Yet with those limitations, using the tips I'll share with you below, I've managed to work up to a maximum single at 350 lbs. So it CAN be done.

Check out the 10 tips here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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