Subject: Use overtraining to build muscle as fast as humanly possible...

I was lucky...I actually discovered this secret in my very first year of training...

And it helped me transform from a 145 lb cross-country runner into a 220 lb beast in just 8 months, all natural.

The method is something I call "Controlled Overtraining"...and it was part of my original Mad Scientist Muscle book, that I have on retirement sale right now.

I've taken that concept and perfected it in my Two Block Mass book.

You can read about how this method will PILE the muscle mass on you here...

(don't buy the book on that page, though...grab the 3-book deal below!)


To give you an idea, this is what I looked like at age 17 when I started hitting the weights...

So yeah, this stuff works.


Remember, tomorrow is your last day to...

Get Mad Scientist Muscle on its own for $7

You can pick up just the Mad Scientist Muscle program on its own for 7 bucks. You'll get every single program, method, video and bonus that goes along with it.

Click here to go to the main website for Mad Scientist Muscle to read more about it and order through the links at the bottom.


Get Mad Scientist Muscle, Metamorphosis and Two Block Mass TOGETHER for $27.

The regular price for all three of these books combined would be $75. I normally sell Metamorphosis on its own for $35. You're getting all three for 64% off that total price.

Click HERE to order all three books in one package for just $27.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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