Subject: Unlock SERIOUS arm size with this new barbell row method...

Building bigger arms is a goal that almost nobody has... ;)

Uh huh...

Seriously, though, getting bigger arms can be a real challenge, especially if you only focus on building the biceps and sometimes the triceps.

There is actually ANOTHER muscle that sits under the bicep that is almost always completely ignored or trained very light if trained at all.

It's the brachialis.

Hammer curls and reverse curls work it.

But what if there was a way to work this small muscle with HUNDREDS of pounds of resistance, using the big, strong muscles of the back to push it harder than it's ever been pushed before.

You know there is...that's why I'm talking about it!

I call this exercise a Very Close Grip Barbell Row and it's really just that simple.

It's the first sample exercise on the website for my new book, "The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

The first time I did this one, I was literally SHOCKED at how fast it pumped my arms up. I ended up using 185 lbs for it...and most of the resistance went right into the arms.

I'm going to be using this one a lot.

Check it out here (I've got 7 more sample exercises from the book there as well).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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