Subject: Try this killer bodyweight workout...the Ladder Challenge

Got another guest post for you today from Certified Progressive Calisthenics Instructor, Forest Vance.

This is one is a straight-up workout rather than a's a killer!


Bodyweight Workout - the Ladder Challenge
by Forest Vance, creator, Bodyweight Strong

It was just a few years ago that I personally got into body weight training.

I have a strength background, and have been pretty strong by most standards since my football days ... but when I first started getting into this bodyweight stuff, it exposed a lot of my weaknesses.

I could bench 450, but only could do a handful of pull ups.

The first time I tried a pistol squat, I failed miserably!

I thought I'd NEVER be able to pull off the calisthenics moves I saw these guys busting out on YouTube - like HSPUs, muscle ups, and human flags.

But the cool thing is, if you train consistently and intelligently on the bodyweight basics, you can make big improvements over time.

I can do about 5x as many pull ups as I could when I first started working on them regularly ... I can knock out a solid 7 or 8 pistols squats in a row on each side ... and I can do and a bunch more bodyweight moves that, looking back to when I first started, seemed unattainable.

Now I am without a doubt still a work in progress ... but I am proud of what I have accomplished with hard work! And the bottom line is, no matter where you are at today, if you have a desire to get better ... AND you use an intelligently designed program to get there ... you can make it happen.

=> Here’s a program that will help you get better at pull ups, push ups, and other body weight training basics

SO. Got one of my all-time favorite bodyweight-only workouts for you today.

This one is a great test of your all-around bodyweight fitness, because you have to be relatively strong to complete all the pull ups and push ups and squats ... have to be moving well, be flexible, mobile, have a strong core, etc to do all the reps with perfect form ... and you have to be in good condition just to finish it!

This is not only a great workout in itself, it will give you a great idea of where you're at with your bodyweight strength, and what you need to work on.


Bodyweight Workout - the Ladder Challenge

Start with one pull-up

(if you can't do full pull-ups, use an Inverted Row instead, which is done with your feet staying on the ground, hands gripping a bar a few feet off the ground, then row your body up)

After you complete the pull-up, move directly into two push ups.

Follow the push-ups with three bodyweight squats.

Then you’ll start “climbing the ladder”, increasing your reps by (1,2,3 respectively) in each exercise each round until you reach:

– 10 pull ups
– 20 push ups
– 30 bodyweight squats

So your second and third rounds would look like:

– 2 pull ups
– 4 push ups
– 6 squats

And then:

– 3 pull ups
– 6 push ups
– 9 squats

If you can't get all the reps in one shot, take a brief rest and continue until you complete the designed number of reps, e.g. you might get to the point where you can only do 4 pull-ups but you're supposed to 8...just stop for 10 seconds and rest, then continue like this until you get to 8.

Your goal is to 1) use PERFECT form in each exercise 2) “climb the ladder” as fast as possible.

Get your time to complete the workout, then try to beat it next time around!

Try this bodyweight ladder challenge workout, and let me know how you do.

And remember - no matter where you are at today, if you have a desire to get better ... AND you use an intelligently designed program to get there ... you can make it happen.


If you'd like more bodyweight workouts like this, I HIGHLY recommend checking out Forest's "Bodyweight Strong" program.

He's currently got it on a 50% off "re-launch" discount, so now is definitely the time to go have a look and see if it's a good fit for you.

Get yourself "Bodyweight Strong" here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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